OK, so I took my boys to get tested to see IF or what there allergies are....Which was not very fun but needed to be done. Which is a shame, but I am trying to be a good Mama and make sure my kids are safe and healthy. Tyler was a tough guy! Conner screamed like he was being murdered! However it is pretty crazy what they go thru for being so young ...the tests are done on there backs and they look like lab experiments when there done Conner had like 30 pricks and Tyler had like 40. Then it swells up if they have a reaction. And you have to hold them down
so they don't touch there backs and scratch!(Which is 15 min until tests results show)
My first Comment to whoever the docs or nurses that the studies of breastfed babies for the first year will not get allergies, asthma, and eczema.....Well, WHATEVER cause I did that and that's crap cause both my boys have it ALL!!! Sorry that's my little vent for everything a Mom goes thru for those first years...
I kind of had an idea what they were allergic to since they already had reactions to these ....Well the tests reveal Tyler is allergic to Eggs, Cashews, and maybe Dogs?! Conner's test was a little more serious too cause he was from day 1 allergic to Ibuprofen and formula. So Conner's results were...Milk, Eggs, and Almonds. So basically they both need to stay away from Tree Nuts. Conner is going to have it rough for awhile with everything he can't have...there is a lot of dairy in a lot of things...So now its all about reading labels, having Benadryl on hand, and epi - pens. I just pray that the boys will grow out of this ...until then the Pongratz boys will just have to be deprived of some things. Yikes and the experience continues....whats next!?!