Thursday, October 2, 2008

MY B-day Sept. 19th...Here and GONE FAST!!!!

Wow I can't believe another year has gone by. I am 28!!! I know some of you are like your still so young! But to me, I am feeling pretty old. I guess if I feel OlD you must be OLDER...ha ha..just kidding! At least I am still in my 20's and to the ladies I have one more year till I turn 29 (that's the age you stay at every birthday from now on- sorry the secret's out). I love being a Stay at Home Mom with two boys or 3 (LOL) (meaning Scott not another little guy on the way....I know what your all thinking....shame on you...I need a break!) and driving a Mini-Van and all! I have been so blessed and I love all my boys there the best! I am very excited to see God's plan for our family this next year. Its going to be Good I know it! God's got a plan and we just want to continue to be in His will. Even though this may seem to be a scary time with the Economy and finances being really really tight, especially with these boys still in diapers...(not Scott...)it makes you want to worry...But GOD IS IN CONTROL and we are praying for a Miracle to take place. So keep praying... GOD IS GOOD!!!
We had a lot of fun at the B-day Dinner at the Pongratz. The kids had fun playing together. And I was able to have the best cake in the world...Chocolate loving Spoon Cake....MMMMmmm Yummy my fav. If i describe it too you your mouth will water and make you crave chocolat so go get a piece today at McCalisters!!! (They should pay me for that advertisement!) Then on my birthday I went to lunch with my Mom did a few errands and went to life group. We were supposed to have new couples join and so we stopped our dinners that week, we all came to life group starving...munched on munchies, did our lesson, and then all went out to get some PIZZA at Dom Di Carlo's ....Mm mm good too. So My birthday was a good one this year...I was surrounded by the people I love. Shout OUT - too all my Jersey Family I know you still luv me and wished we all lived closer but I love you and pray for u!!!

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