Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Train ride to the IN State Fair

Last night we picked up two papers to get our free admission tickets into the fair. We took the train in Fishers to the Fair and back....we packed everything up and met with Jason & Shannon Pongratz Family . Here are some great pics...
Tyler was so excited to be on the big passenger train.......he just repeated the whole ride there and back..."Its my first time...Its my first time..."
Sippie cups out...Tickets out and ready....All Aboard!!!
Aunt Shan Shan & Sophie reading her ticket...

Ok so we walk in and the first thing we see is....Pineapple whip...YUMMY! It was delicious...made us miss Springfield...Then more food for dinner...I had an Italian sausage and pepper sandwich, Scott had a Huge Turkey Leg, and Tyler had a corn dog. Then off to the rides for the kiddies...Tyler had his eye on this roller coaster...At first I was like no way...but he was tall enough to go by sad they are old enough now to go on the rides...I was nervous but He loved it and was so excited, I think that was his favorite see his face going down the hill was priceless...we didn't get any pics...but take a look at our post of the video highlights.
Sophie & Tyler on there favorite ride on the Semi Truck Haulin' away...
Tyler on the motorcycle....
One more time....
Back to Haulin' again! This was such a great ride...worth the tickets!

One last time on the motorcycles too.
Well time to go...Wait we can't leave the fair without something we got a funnel cake and Shan & Jay had a elephant Ear...YUMMY!
Aww...We had a fun filled day at the fair and its time to go home. Holding there tickets ready to go...
Conner looking out the window...the ride home was slower
Tyler and Soph looking out the window...All Aboard!!!!
Tyler was so cute...on the way back he started to say this is my first time...we told him now this is your second time on the train...He was just so excited!
Daddy & Conner
This is funny..."Come on mom not another picture!"
Sophie and Uncle Scotty
Too cute!
Awwwe...winding down!

The boys loved the train & fair...on our way to the car Tyler said, "Thank you mommy & Daddy. I had so much fun!...Five min. in the car and he was out...Conner on the other hand fussed until I put in a Elmo video and then he was happy! Fun times and great memories!!!

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