Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another Monday at the children's museum....

Here is a pic of the boys in the mummy tunnel...its supposed to be dark but my flash came on the camera and I captured Conner's face of Daddy pushing him in the dark
Here we are in the playscape area...Conner's wanting to play with Tyler...
Tyler with his smock on playing in the water hole area...with a fishing pole skills he learned from his papa...(look at me grandpa!)
Playing in the sand pit...I like the fact they have these at the museum so i don't feel like we need one at our house...
Conner and Dada playing in the sand...some other little guy made the photo too.
Conner trying to get some sand....
Uh oh...and throwing it on the floor...I knew he was up to
Conner & Tyler playing with the letter magnets trying to build a word!
Which by the way...Tyler is getting so smart...I think he is a Genius! He is not even 3 yet and started to read off the cereal box the other day...I was so shocked. He read the box TOPS words...He said come on mommy its a ops word T..ops...Tops!!!! What...SO my new project is to keep up with teaching Tyler how to read...unbelievable!!!
Conner loving this airplane rocker...spinning the front.
Music and dance time ...

VRROOOm....the boys in a race car.
On the carousel with Daddy...Tyler likes the bench....
Mama and Conner on the horse(Yeah another pic of me made the blog!)
Tyler in the playhouse trying to shut the door...which doesn't was funny to watch..He's definitely a Pongratz boy!
This is funny...this costs like 5 cents to ride...when you can go on the carosel for FREE!!! And Tyler wanted to go on this...the funny thing is I didn't have change and didn't want to pay for it anyways...but he had more fun pretending he was moving....whatever makes you happy!

This is the games section...Conner playin Mr Potatoe head..Tyler with the puzzles of course...and then Can you see Scott in this picture...Yes thats him in the background playing video games...while I watch the gets better....
This was my favorite...Daddy still didn't move from the game he was playing and then the boys wanted to play too. Here is all 3 playing video games....LOL
SO Finally, Nana and Aunt Kim met up with us at the museum....
Tyler beat Nana at TIC TAC TOE....He was the O's....Go Tyler!
Back on the carousel with Nana and Aunt Kim!
Daddy and Tyler built a boat to go down the water river.

This is so cute...its more a memory for me but this is Conner holding onto my legs giving me hugs, Awee!!!
Nana & tyler on the bulldozer
Nana couldn't turn Scott and Tyler show her
Tyler filling the hole with rubber rocks...
Then we all built this Tower with Tyler's help...A fun pic captured the memories of our time with Kim! Love you Kim and miss you already!

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